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 法律英文报道法律英文报道 → Judge Rules for Starbucks in Copyright Violation Case
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Judge Rules for Starbucks in Copyright Violation Case
发表日期: 2008/4/15 8:01:55 阅读次数: 5192 查看权限: 普通信息
Judge Rules for Starbucks in Copyright Violation Case
发布日期:2007-9-17 作者:

      A local company has been ruled to stop infringing on the copyright of the
      US-based Starbucks Corporation and to pay compensation of 500,000 yuan
      (US$62,500) to the US company.
      Shanghai Xingbake Coffee Co Ltd registered the Chinese name in the country
      before Starbucks arrived in the Shanghai market. Starbucks translates
      "Xingbake" in Chinese.
      The ruling in the two-year-old case was issued on Saturday by the Shanghai
      No 2 Intermediate People's Court.
      Lu Guoqiang, chief justice in the case, said Starbucks in both English and
      Chinese and its logo designs are deemed famous trademarks in Shanghai,
      thanks to their widespread use, publicity and reputation.
      He said such copyrights enjoy special protection.
      The Seattle-based Starbucks Corporation set up the first coffee house in
      Seattle in 1971.
      It entered the Taiwanese market in 1998 and gave authority to
      Uni-President Group, a local firm, to manage its coffee houses in Taiwan
      and the Chinese mainland.
      The multinational registered the Chinese translation of Starbucks,
      "Xingbake," in China the same year.
      Starbucks Corporation entered the Shanghai market by asking Uni-President
      Group to found a Starbucks Coffee Company which now has 38 coffee shops in
      Shanghai Xingbake registered its company name in Chinese in Shanghai on
      November 20, 1999 after Starbucks had registered its trademark but before
      it had registered the joint venture in March 2000.
      The Shanghai company began setting up its coffee houses in 2003.
      One of the shops of the local company in the city's downtown Nanjing Road
      has a design similar to that of Starbucks: a round logo with green
      characters against white background Chinese characters reading "Xing Ba
      Ke" on the top and Cafe at the bottom.
      The Starbucks logo has white characters against a green background.
      In December 2003, Starbucks Corporation sued the Shanghai retailer,
      claiming copyright infringement.
      The court ruled that Shanghai Xingbake Coffee Co Ltd constituted
      illegitimate competition by using the Chinese translation of Starbucks in
      its company name and the translation and a similar design motif for its
      coffee houses.
      Lu reminded companies intending to take advantage of famous copyrights
      that all market players should observe business ethics.
      Starbucks Corporation is the world's largest coffee retailer with more
      than 6,500 coffee houses worldwide.
      The company has established about 300 outlets in Chinese mainland, Taiwan
      and Hong Kong.
      (China Daily January 2, 2006)

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