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 What business may a Chinese lawyer mainly engage in?
 When a party entrusts lawyer to act as agent?what ways can be generally taken?
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 涉外法律事务涉外法律事务 → When a party entrusts lawyer to act as agent?what ways can be generally taken?
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When a party entrusts lawyer to act as agent?what ways can be generally taken?
发表日期: 2012/9/20 9:27:33 阅读次数: 7969 查看权限: 普通信息
When a party entrusts lawyer to act as agent?what ways can be generally taken?
发表日期: 2008-8-9 9:21:20 阅读次数: 739 查看权限: 普通信息
here are two ways for a party to authorize a lawyer to act as agent, one is general agency, the other is special agency. General agency is relative to special agency. General agency is one that the agent shall not define his position toward the substantive issue of the case, for example, represent the party to institute or respond to prosecutionŁ¬provide relevant evidence, present statement of the agent, engage in general debate.

Special agency refers to the one that the agent can decide the substantive issue of the case directly and declare his clear stands through the special authorization from a principal. For example, article 59 of Civil Procedure Law stipulates. An agent must possess special authorization from his principal to confirm, relinquish or modify the claim or to institute a compromise or file a counterclaim or an appeal.

上一篇:What business may a Chinese lawyer mainly engage in?
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