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 What business may a Chinese lawyer mainly engage in?
 When a party entrusts lawyer to act as agent?what ways can be generally taken?
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 涉外法律事务涉外法律事务 → What business may a Chinese lawyer mainly engage in?
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What business may a Chinese lawyer mainly engage in?
发表日期: 2012/9/20 9:28:17 阅读次数: 9303 查看权限: 普通信息

In accordance with the provisions of article 25 of Law on Lawyers, A lawyer may engage in the following business:

(1) to accept engagement by citizens, legal persons or other organizations to act as legal counsel;

(2) to accept authorization by a party in a civil or administrative case to act as agent and participate in the proceedings;

(3) to accept engagement by a criminal suspect in a criminal case to provide him with legal advice and represent him in filing a petition or charge or obtaining a guarantor pending trial; to accept authorization by a criminal suspect or defendant or accept appointment by a People's Court to act for the defense; and to accept authorization by a private prosecutor in a case of private prosecution or by the victim or his close relatives in a case of public prosecution to act as agent and participate in the proceedings;

(4) to represent clients in filing petition in all types of litigation;

(5) to accept authorization by a party to participate in mediation and arbitration activities;

(6) to accept authorization by a party involved in non-litigation legal matters to provide legal services; and

(7) to answer inquiries regarding law and to represent clients in writing litigation documents and other documents regarding legal matters.

上一篇:多空策略弱市发力 低风险私募受追捧
下一篇:When a party entrusts lawyer to act as agent?what ways can be generally taken?
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