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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126350 查看权限: 普通信息
      details of the Lewinsky affair, threw a series of questions at the
      President during his deposition that left him surprised and, at times,
      flustered. Clinton, however, generally stuck to his script and continued
      to deny the existence of a sexual relationship with Lewinsky. In fact, the
      President went so far as to deny ever even being "alone" with Lewinsky.
        Back in his Oval Office on the following day, Clinton discussed the
      Lewinsky affair with Betty Currie in a manner that strongly suggested an
      attempt to influence her future statements about her boss's relationship
      with the young intern. He told his personal secretary, "We were never
      really alone," "You could see and hear everything," and "Monica came on to
      me, and I never touched her, right?" Clinton would later spin the
      discussion as an attempt to refresh his recollection about his
      relationship with Lewinsky——a wildly implausible explanation, given that
      some of the questions he asked Currie she was in no position to answer.
        The American public first learned of allegations of a Clinton affair
      with Lewinsky on January 21, 1998. The President stuck with his
      "deny-it-all" strategy, at one point memorably wagging his finger in a
      televised interview and insisting, "I did not have sexual relations with
      that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Several of Clinton's aides (including Sidney
      Blumenthal, who was later deposed in the Senate trial) assured by the
      President that his relationship with Lewinsky was non-sexual, appeared in
      various venues to denounce Starr's investigations as "a puritanical witch
      hunt" and to call into question Lewinsky's credibility.
        The denials from the White House continued into summer, when the

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