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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126335 查看权限: 普通信息
      turned their questions into Trent Lott, who sent them on to a team of
      three Republican senators who weeded out the unhelpful questions, and put
      them in an order suiting the manager's goals. A list of 179 additional
      proposed questions were left in a binder for any senator willing to "ask"
      them. Democrats also orchestrated their question-asking, deciding on a
      strategy of leading with a series of prepared questions, then improvising
      to best suit the flow of the arguments. Chief Justice Rehnquist asked the
      questions, first one from the Republicans, then one from the Democrats.
      One of the few questions to produce any real surprise came from Senators
      John Edwards of North Carolina and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin. The two
      Democratic senators noted in their question, that "both sides have spoken
      in absolutes" while "it strikes many of us as a closer call." In view of
      this, Edwards and Kohl asked, "Even if the President engaged in the
      alleged conduct, can reasonable people disagree with the conclusion that,
      as a matter of law, he must be convicted and removed from office——yes or
      no?" Manager Lindsay Graham dismayed many of his Republican colleagues
      when he answered, "Absolutely." Graham admitted the Constitution gave no
      definitive answer and said, "If I was sitting where you are, I would
      probably get down on my knees before I made that decision."
        The day after the question-and-answer period, Monica Lewinsky, having
      been ordered to fly from Los Angeles to Washington to meet with the House
      managers, reluctantly appeared at the Capitol's Mayflower Hotel to discuss
      with three congressman her possible testimony in the Senate trial.
      Lewinsky was worried, telling a friend: "I'm nervous about what he'll

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