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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 121400 查看权限: 普通信息
      his case against the President, Democratic members——preferring to put
      Starr himself on trial—— asked questions that supported their goal of
      portraying Starr as a zealot. Democratic member John Conyers characterized
      Starr as "a federally paid sex policeman." As another part of the process,
      the Committee drafted a set of 81 questions for the President to answer
      concerning a series of events relating to the Lewinsky scandal and his
      prior testimony. The President answered, but——in the opinion of Committee
      Republicans——in a quarrelsome, unresponsive way. Frequently, he responded
      to questions by saying he did not recall something. Irritated by his
      answers, some undecided House Republicans moved toward favoring
        After listening to a panel of experts on impeachment and lawyers for the
      President earlier in the week, the Judiciary Committee voted on December
      11 and 12 to approve four articles of impeachment. The next day, Hyde
      joined Tom De Lay and Majority Leader Richard Armey in calling for the
      President to resign. Clinton, the same day, tells reporters that the
      thought "never crossed my mind."
        The next week, as the President juggled ordering U. S. planes to launch
      missile strikes on Iraq with phone calls to undecided Republican House
      members, impeachment moved to a final vote in the House. Adding to the
      drama was the resignation the same day of Bob Livingston on the floor of
      the House following disclosure of an affair of his own (stemming from an
      offer by Hustler publisher Larry Flynt to pay $1 million for "documentary
      evidence of illicit sexual relations" involving high-ranking members of
      Congress). Minority Leader Richard Gephardt rose to ask Livingston to

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