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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126332 查看权限: 普通信息
      approached her to ask about Willey's encounter with Clinton that the
      better story involved a White House intern, who she left unnamed. Tripp,
      partly for her own self-defense and partly out of a desire to damage the
      President's reputation, began secretly taping (in violation of the state
      law of her home state of Maryland) her own conversations with Lewinsky
      with a $100 recorder she picked up from a nearby Radio Shack.
        During one of her taped conversations with Lewinsky in November 1997,
      Tripp learned that her friend had in her closet a blue dress that still
      bore the semen stain from a sexual encounter with the President some nine
      months earlier. Tripp excitedly called Michael Isikoff with the remarkable
      news, and urged that the reporter have the dress DNA tested. Isikoff
      pointed out an obvious problem: even if Newsweek could somehow obtain the
      dress, the test would be meaningless without a sample of Clinton's
      DNA——and how could the magazine get that? Tripp, however, continued to
      take an active interest in preserving the semen evidence, urging Lewinsky
      not to have the dress dry cleaned——as she had planned——for a family
      occasion because it might be useful for her own "protection" and, besides,
      the dress made her look "really fat."
        In early January 1998, at the encouragement of Luciane Goldberg and
      backers of the Jones lawsuit (who, by this time, had been filled in by
      Tripp on details of the Lewinsky matter), Tripp contacted Kenneth Starr's
      Office of Independent Counsel. Tripp told Starr's staff all she knew about
      the Lewinsky-Clinton scandal and presented them with a collection of
      damaging tapes of her private conversations with Lewinsky.

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