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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 121426 查看权限: 普通信息
      President became aware of that his semen stain remained on the blue dress
      that Monica Lewinsky wore into the Oval Office on a February day in 1997,
      and that Lewinsky had signed an immunity agreement with the Office of
      Independent Counsel. In the meantime, Starr's office had interviewed
      Secret Service agents, friends of Lewinsky, examined hundreds of emails
      and White House telephone records, and listened to dozens of hours of
      taped conversations between Tripp and Lewinsky.
        On August 17, 1998, the President faced a federal grand jury called to
      consider whether he committed perjury, or otherwise obstructed justice, in
      the Paula Jones case. Clinton maintained that while he was being as
      unhelpful as possible to Jones's lawyers in his earlier deposition, he had
      not actually lied. He insisted on his right to adopt a very narrow (and
      very odd) definition of "alone," and stated that oral sex was not, in his
      opinion, "sexual relations" within the meaning of that term as adopted in
      the Jones case. He conceded that fondling Lewinsky would be "sexual
      relations" and so, implicitly, denied the former intern's allegation that
      he had fondled her breast and genitalia on several occasions. He explained
      his discussion with Currie as an innocent attempt to check his
      recollection of facts against hers, and denied that Vernon Jordan's job
      hunting efforts were in any way tied to Lewinsky's decision to file an
      affidavit falsely denying a sexual relationship with the President. The
      night, when his exhausting deposition was over, Clinton appeared on
      national television from the Map Room of the White House to admit, "I did
      have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that not appropriate"——and to lash
      out at Kenneth Starr for invading his private life. "It is time to stop
      the pursuit of personal destruction," the President said, "and get on with
      our national life."
        The House Votes to Impeach
        In the days following his grand jury testimony, calls for impeachment
      mounted. In the House, Republican Majority Whip Tom De Lay called his
      aides back to Washington from their summer vacations to announce that it
      would be his mission to drive Bill Clinton from office. "This is going to
      be the most important thing I do in my political career," he told them, "
      and I want all of you to dedicate yourselves to it or leave." De Lay
      arranged a conference call that included most of the House Republ

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