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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 121589 查看权限: 普通信息
      substantial and credible information" that might provide a ground for
      impeachment. On September 9, Starr piled thirty-six boxes of evidence on
      the Lewinsky scandal into two vans and ordered them driven to Capitol Hill
      for deposit. Two days later, the Starr Report, a 453-page summary of the
      evidence against the President, was released to the public over the
      Internet. The report outlined the case for eleven counts against Clinton,
      including perjury in his Jones and grand jury depositions, obstruction of
      justice, and one count asserting abuse of office. Late night comics and
      critics of the President relished the incredibly explicit details of the
      report, ranging from the fact that the President took calls from
      Congressman while receiving oral sex to an account of his inserting his
      cigar in Lewinsky's vagina. The embarrassing details, which were
      unnecessary to the prosecution case, were seen by some commentators as a
      spiteful effort by the OIC to debilitate the Clinton presidency.
        Responsibility for recommending action on impeachment fell to the House
      Judiciary Committee and its Chairman, Henry Hyde. (Hyde, meanwhile, had
      his own problem to manage: reports surfaced that the widely respected
      septuagenarian congressman had had an affair some thirty years earlier.)
      The committee voted to release a videotape of Clinton's four hours of
      testimony before the grand jury, as well as over 7,000 other pages of
      evidence, including DNA test results, love notes from Lewinsky to the
      President, transcripts of Lewinsky's conversations with Linda Tripp, and
      White House phone logs. After pouring over the evidence and listening to
      its appointed counsel, the Committee, voting 21 to 16 along party lines on

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