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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126352 查看权限: 普通信息
      was non-sexual. The day after Lewinsky showed the affidavit to Vernon
      Jordan, Jordan made a call to Ronald Perelman, a friend and member of the
      Board of Directors of Revlon, encouraging him to hire Lewinsky. The job
      offer from Revlon came just two days later.
        Linda Tripp Gets Involved
        The source of the information that put Monica Lewinsky's name on the
      deposition list for the Jones case was Linda Tripp. Tripp had served in
      the Bush White House, and was held over in her job when Clinton became
      president in 1993. Tripp came to despise Clinton. In 1996, when she
      considered how to expose what she considered to be West Wing scandals, she
      contacted a conservative literary agent and self-described Clinton-hater,
      Lucianne Goldberg. Goldberg urged Tripp to write an expose', but at that
      time Tripp's concern with keeping her job caused her to reject the
        Tripp's name came to public attention in August 1997 when it appeared in
      a Newsweek article in which she recalled running into a White House
      volunteer, Kathleen Willey, shortly after Willey had been kissed and
      fondled by Clinton in his private office. (Willey, according to Tripp, was
      "happy and joyful" and the incident was "not a case of sexual
      harassment.") Paula Jones's lawyers, of course, took note of Tripp's account——and undoubtedly determined at that time to add Tripp to
      their list of potential witnesses.
        Months before the Willey story broke, however, Tripp learned from her
      then-friend, Monica Lewinsky, that she was having an affair with the
      President. Tripp told the reporter for Newsweek, Michael Isikoff, when he

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