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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126330 查看权限: 普通信息
      and unhelpful witnesses, often answering with just a "yes" or a "no." She
      described her present feelings toward the President as "mixed" and claimed
      that she filed her false affidavit in the Jones case for her own
      interests, not Clinton's. Most observers left the deposition believing
      that Lewinsky was no victim. Tom Griffin, the Senate's chief lawyer,
      having witnessed the deposition, described it to Trent Lott as "a
        Support for live witnesses collapsed after the Lewinsky deposition. The
      Senate voted 70 to 30 against issuing Lewinsky a subpoena to testify.
      Instead, on a 62 to 38 vote, the Senate authorized each side to show video
      excerpts of deposition testimony by each of the three witnesses. On
      February 6, the managers projected video images of Lewinsky, Jordan, and
      Blumenthal on four flat screens at the front of the chamber. Clinton's
      lawyers did the same, offering an uninterrupted twenty-minute clip of
      Lewinsky that showed her intelligence and near total control of her
        Closing arguments began two days later. Ruff, for the President, accused
      the managers of having "a vision more focused on retribution" than the
      best interests of the country. Each of the thirteen managers offered
      reasons to impeach, including Asa Hutchinson who urged the senators to
      "have the political courage to follow the facts" despite "enormous
      pressure to ignore" them. Hyde, speaking last, ended with the call, "Let
      right be done."
        Senators met behind closed doors to consider their votes. Each senator
      was alloted fifteen minutes to make a statement. Most attention was

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