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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126336 查看权限: 普通信息
      October 5, authorized a full impeachment inquiry. Democrats on the
      committee, arguing that the case came down to "lying about sex," generally
      favored censure as an alternative. The Committee's decision was ratified
      by the full House three days later, with thirty-one Democrats joining the
        Mid-term elections on November 3 brought good news for the President.
      Before the election, Gingrich predicted that Republicans would gain twenty
      House seats. In fact, they lost five. Despite the losses, widely
      interpreted as a public vote against impeachment, Hyde determined to press
      forward with the inquiry, although on a faster timetable. Privately, Hyde
      thought impeachment was dead, telling Democratic congressman Charles
      Schumer, "Charlie, don't worry about it: the committee will report out the
      articles, but they'll die on the House floor." The disappointing election
      results convinced Bob Livingston to challenge Gingrich for the position of
      House Speaker. Within hours of Livingston's decision, Gingrich announced
      his resignation. One week after Gingrich's surprise announcement, there
      was another big development: Clinton and Paula Jones finally agreed to
      settle the sexual harassment lawsuit that had caused all the President's
        Over the course of the next month, the Judiciary Committee considered
      the evidence and sought to separate Clinton's minor transgressions from
      those that might form the basis for articles of impeachment. The highlight
      of the committee's hearings came with the testimony of Kenneth Starr.
      While Republican members asked questions designed to help Starr lay out

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