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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 121588 查看权限: 普通信息
      "Clinton-haters" had been attached to the managers: "This is not a
      question of who we hate; it's a question of what we love. And among the
      things we love are the rule of law, equal justice before the law, and
      honor in our public life."
        Wheelchair-bound Charles Ruff opened the case for the President on
      January 19, only hours before President Clinton would deliver his State of
      the Union Address. Ruff told the senators that the overzealous managers
      had "concocted a witches' brew of charges" and were making "a rush to
      judgment." He accused the managers of fudging the facts to suit their
      case. He concluded by suggesting that senators were free to "find his
      personal conduct distasteful," but they should ask themselves whether "for
      the first time in our history, the actions of a president have so put at
      risk the government the framers created that there is only one solution."
      Continuing arguments for the President the next day, Greg Craig said that
      Clinton did not commit perjury in his grand jury deposition, but rather
      was guilty only of "nitpicking and arguing with the prosecutors." The task
      of wrapping up opening arguments for the President's team fell to an
      ex-senator from Clinton's home state of Arkansas, Daryl Bumpers. Bumpers
      proved a good choice, as he——in his folksy way——summed up what he saw as
      the major problem with the managers' case: "When you hear somebody say,
      'This is not about sex,' it's about sex." The punishment, Bumpers argued,
      is "totally out of sync" with the charge.
        The two-day question-and-answer session became an opportunity for
      senators to throw softballs to their respective sides. Republican senators

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