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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 121591 查看权限: 普通信息
      lawsuit." The Report added that "Ms. Lewinsky had spoken to the
      President……about being subpoenaed to testify in the Jones suit." Based on
      these representations, and a "sting tape" of a conversation between Tripp
      and Lewinsky, the OIC sought and obtained permission from Attorney General
      Reno to expand his investigation to encompass the Lewinsky affair. (In
      seeking permission from Reno, the OIC neglected to mention its prior
      contacts with lawyers for Paula Jones, including Starr's own previous
      discussions with Jones's lawyers on the immunity issue that reached the
      Supreme Court. Had the OIC disclosed these contacts, a conflict concern
      might have either resulted in their request being turned down, or a new
      independent counsel appointed.)
        On January 16, the day before the President would be deposed in the
      Jones case, authorization for the expanded investigation came from Janet
      Reno. That afternoon, acting in concert with Linda Tripp who had invited
      Lewinsky to the food court of the Pentagon City Mall for lunch, FBI agents
      acting for the OIC seized Lewinsky and escorted her to room 1012 in the
      Ritz-Carlton Hotel, where OIC lawyers would——for the next eleven
      hours——press her to cooperate in their investigation by agreeing to wear a
      wire and secretly record her conversations with President Clinton. Despite
      warnings her that she could face up to 27 years in prison for perjury and
      obstruction of justice (in fact, two years would be a far more likely
      punishment), Lewinsky refused. Her decision might well have saved the
      Clinton presidency.
        The next day, lawyers for Paula Jones, having been fully briefed on the

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