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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 121578 查看权限: 普通信息
        The Starr Investigation
        By late 1997, despite the several year long "Whitewater" investigation
      costing tens of millions of dollars, Kenneth Starr's Office of Independent
      Counsel (OIC) failed to produce the necessary "substantial and credible"
      evidence of an impeachable offense that would justify referring the matter
      to Congress for further action. It seemed only a matter of weeks before
      the OIC would be forced to close its far-reaching effort to identify
      wrongdoing by the President.
        At the same time, Judge Wright appeared ready to dismiss Paula Jones's
      sexual harassment suit after testimony in her deposition proved
      inconsistent with her initial pleadings. (For example, in her pleadings
      Jones claimed that the incident at the Excelsior Hotel took place after
      2:30, but in her deposition she placed the encounter in the morning after
      evidence made clear that the Governor had returned to his mansion after
      the luncheon at the hotel.) The judge also seemed angered and frustrated
      by leaks of salacious details in the press, in obvious defiance of her gag
      order, and that presented a second justification for dismissal. The
      President's camp had every reason to be confident that the case would
      never go to trial——if they could prevent any new bombshells about
      Clinton's sexual activities with subordinates.
        In January 1998, it all blew up. According to the Starr Report
      eventually submitted to Congress, that month the OIC "received information
      that Monica Lewinsky was attempting to influence the testimony of one of
      the witnesses in the Jones investigation [Tripp], and that Ms. Lewinsky
      herself was prepared to provide false information under oath in that

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