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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126331 查看权限: 普通信息
      at what he presumed to be the President's request through Betty Currie,
      met with Lewinsky to discuss employment possibilities in November 1997.
        Less than two weeks after Lewinsky's name appeared on the Jones
      deposition list, Clinton told her the news. He advised her that filing an
      affidavit might avoid the necessity of a deposition (but only, he need
      hardly have said, if she denied a sexual relationship), and he reminded
      her of their "cover story" for her frequent trips to Oval Office——that she
      was just delivering documents. Two days after discussing the matter with
      Clinton, Lewinsky received a subpoena to appear for a deposition in
      January 1998. She called Vernon Jordan, who again met with her and
      referred her to an attorney, who proceeded to draft an affidavit that
      reflected her denial of any sexual involvement with the President.
        Just after Christmas, Lewinsky spoke again with Clinton, raising her
      concern that the subpoena had requested that she bring to the deposition
      any gifts——and there were many——that she had received from him. Although
      Clinton apparently informed Lewinsky that she was obligated to give the
      lawyers for Jones any gifts in her possession, a call came later that day
      from Currie, indicating that she understood Lewinsky had some items she'd
      like to give her for safekeeping. (Currie, in her testimony, disagreed
      with Lewinsky's version of events and claimed that the call about the
      presents came from Lewinsky, not her.) Currie drove to Lewinsky's home and
      carted away a box of Clinton gifts and put them under her bed.
        In early January 1998, Lewinsky signed an affidavit, with the intent of
      filing it for the Jones case, claiming her relationship with the President

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