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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 121404 查看权限: 普通信息
      not have engaged in an operation to trash the OIC. Finally, of course, the
      President should not have lied under oath about his relationship with
      Monica Lewinsky.
        Yet, the trial did happen——and what can be learned from the experience?
      Several things, it turns out.
        We learned that politics are very likely to determine how one views
      evidence in impeachment case——not a surprising lesson to be sure, but the
      final votes in both the House and Senate turned out to be surprisingly
      partisan. Moreover, the analysis of academics——people trained to look
      objectively at evidence——who threw themselves into the impeachment fray
      was, if anything, even more partisan than that of the politicians.
        We learned that the Administration's decision to go on "a war footing"
      when allegations of the President's affair with Lewinsky first surfaced
      proved costly. Relentless attacks by Clinton and his aides on the Office
      of Independent Counsel and Linda Tripp angered Republicans, polarized
      debate, and made impeachment by the House inevitable. (At the same time,
      the aggressive approach might have made acquittal in the Senate
        We learned also that an impeachment trial is not necessarily a national
      calamity and might even have some benefits. George W. Bush has shown that
      the presidency was not seriously weakened by the ordeal. The public might
      be better off today for having had to think seriously about issues of both
      private and public morality during the impeachment process. The
      Clinton-Lewinsky scandal also contributed to a franker national discussion
      about sex and, by demonstrating how many skeletons exist in the closets of

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