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 克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
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克林顿绯闻案 Clinton Impeachment Trial
发表日期: 2008/4/14 7:55:16 阅读次数: 126333 查看权限: 普通信息
      be ten sexual encounters over a sixteen-month period. After eight of the
      encounters had taken place, in April 1996, Clinton's deputy chief of
      staff——most likely aware of the threat the young intern posed——reassigned
      Lewinsky to the a position in the Department of Defense. The following
      month Clinton told a disappointed Lewinsky ("He was my sunshine," she
      later told a grand jury) he was ending the relationship, but he revived it
      briefly in early 1997.
        The encounters followed a predictable pattern. Generally they occurred
      on weekend mornings in and around the Oval Office (including a study, a
      hallway, and a bathroom), when few people except Clinton's personal
      secretary, Betty Currie, would be around the West Wing. Although many
      private meetings between the two involved no sexual activity, when they
      did they generally included Lewinsky fellating the President and the
      President fondling her breasts and genitalia. On three occasions, Lewinsky
      performed oral sex while the President talked on the phone to members of
      Congress. Lewinsky told Clinton she would like to have vaginal intercourse
      with him, but he resisted. He also terminated the oral sex sessions before
      ejaculation until their last two encounters.
        When Clinton again told Lewinsky in May 1997 that their sexual
      relationship was over, she redoubled efforts that began the previous year
      to enlist the President's assistance in finding employment. Lewinsky
      received a job offer from U. N. Ambassador Bill Richardson several months
      later, but she turned it down, preferring to find private sector
      employment. Clinton golfing buddy and power broker Vernon Jordan, acting

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